Installing WordPress on Windows: Part4

Installing WordPress on Windows: Part1

Installing WordPress on Windows: Part2

Installing WordPress on Windows: Part3


In the last part, we will install and configure WordPress (5.9.3). So we need to download file.

We have to Unzip everything to the previously create WordPress folder (C:\inetpub\wordpress).


Now, we have to duplicate the wp-config-sample.php file in WordPress folder (C:\inetpub\wordpress) and rename it to the wp-config.php.

In the next step, we have to configure the wp-config.php. We have to change various parameters in the wp-config.php file:


22    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
23    define( ‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’ );
25    /** MySQL database username */
26    define( ‘DB_USER’, ‘wpadmin’ );
28    /** MySQL database password */
29    define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘wpadmin_password’ );
31    /** MySQL hostname */
32    define( ‘DB_HOST’, ‘’ );


We are ready to finally start WordPress installation by opening browser and selecting install URL (

You should get the screen below, where we can change the WordPress language and select Continue.


WordPress Install1


If you get an error, you can check what is going on with opening a PHP log file (PHP_errors.log) in your PHP-System folder (C:\PHP-System\logs).


In the next screen, we have to enter Site Title (WordPress Site), Username (admin), Password, Your Email ( and select Install WordPress button.


WordPress Install2


If everything is OK, we should get Success page.


WordPress Install3


Now, we can log in to the WordPress admin page with previously entered Username (admin) and Password.


WordPress wp-login


We should get the following WordPress Admin Page:


WordPress admin


Yes, we managed to do it! WordPress is installed and configured!!! We successfully finished our series of installing WordPress on Windows.

We can optimize WordPress, by removing unused Themes and by optimize. I would recommend installing PhastPress and WP Super Cache plugins. These plugins will improve performance of your WordPress site.


In the future, we can easily update WordPress core and Plugins.


Enjoy posting on your WordPress Site!


Written by Simon Abolnar
I am a lecturer of Informatics subjects at Higher Vocational College at the School Center Nova Gorica, located in Slovenia-EU. I have been a System Administrator of Microsoft Servers at SCNG for over 20 years.